Dear Diary…
Falling face first into the toy bin as a toddler prompted me to exclaim my first ever word: “Stuck!”.
I would still be incredibly stuck in this toy-bin-called “life” if not for the help of others. People who transmute their trauma & leave trail markings along the way are heroes. I am so inspired by human resiliency & our inherent trend towards healing. It is my intention to amplify the things that have helped me most so that healing may multiply.
This will be an ongoing entry – I will recall resources that have helped me over the years & share new resources as I discover them. I’ll share a few words about each entry, but most of these really speak for themselves. Take what resonates & leave rest.
If you are here – hi. :) Thank you, I see you, I love you. We are kindred in our call to heal.
– jx
Dr. jockers: Regain Your Terrain Digestive Health Protocol
Healing my gut in 2019 was foundational for all of the healing that has come in the years since. Trying to tune into our intuition while we are dealing with disease, chronic pain, & inflammation is almost impossible. Our gut influences so much & is overlooked as the most obvious place to start when treating things like depression, fatigue, inflammation, and imbalance. This changed my life. I talk a bit about my experience with this protocol here.
the personality of victims of covert narcissistic abuse
Complex PTSD is marked by self abandonment, toxic shame, having a harsh inner critic, social anxiety, and emotional flashbacks. If you relate to these things, I got news for you. <3
jump rope dudes: hiit workout for beginners
My mental health is so much better when I’m active. This was the first workout routine that I could keep up consistently because it was so easy to do anywhere. HIIT is high impact & must be done intuitively. Nowadays the sauna is my preferred cardio (lol) but this routine is still a great go-to when I don’t want to leave the house.
Marianne Williamson: Miraculous Tuesdays
Funny enough, my ex introduced me to many resources which have been awakening. Do not let the Christian language scare you – Marianne’s lectures on “A Course in Miracles” provide a masterclass in healing & forgiveness. Her talks are streamed every Tuesday & stay up for 72 hours. I catch them as often as I can remember to. Careful not to spiritually bypass with this kind of thinking…